Reuniting pets, all pets deserve a home
"Rescue pets using technology, persistence, by studying animal behavior and community efforts in an ethical manner"
SERVICE AREA: Southern NY and northern NJ I only service this area as there are many in Connecticut and Pennsylvania and South Jersey that are able to assist pet owners and
animal rescue.
Connecticut Volunteer Dog Recovery Group
Hound Hunters NJ
Hound Hunters of NEPA
Luzerne County Pet Recovery
Southern NJ:
When to hire
-your pet is missing and you are unable to retrieve your pet
as he or she is on the run. Sometimes pets owned for years will run from owner, but many recovered pets are newly adopted and have not formed a bond with new owner and refuse to
-you have followed the instructions on "Lost!
pet" page exactly and your efforts have not yielded positive results
When NOT to hire
-you want your pet returned
-your pet is stolen- file a police report. I am not law
enforcement or a clairvoyant, at this time it is not possible to track your dog. If your pet is dumped (as sometimes criminals will tire of a stolen pet), I can be hired. * If your pet was picked up
by a good samaritan, but not turned over to authorities or authorities are not notified, your pet is stolen. File a police report with any info you may have. You must also put out an alert (see
bottom of LOST! pet for reverse 911) that your pet was "last seen by such and such corner picked up by white female in a Toyota 4 runner".
I can only be hired when pet is lost, not stolen.
-you want to be present while I am working. If you could not
get your pet back, why would you think it's helpful to impede me from doing my job that you hired me to do? For the actual capture, rarely (but sometimes), I may ask for owner
- you are engaging with a
- you do not follow directions.
Contact for pet recovery: 201-817-9911. Text your info to get started.
Consulting not available at this time. All information is available on
LOST! pet page.
EFFECTIVE June 2022: consultations are no longer free.
There's a charge of 100.00, payable via PayPal. 9 out of 10 pets will be recovered if you follow free advice contained on LOST pet page. It's very frustrating that a pet owner doesn't follow my
advice and I waste my time and incur cost, if someone has to pay for my advice, they will certainly follow it to the "T". There's always going to be a fee if trapping is required. I can't count on
people to do the right thing if all I ask as payment is for pet owners to thank those who helped recover their pet and it's just too much.
I provide service to: Legal owner of pet (or someone that takes legal responsibility for pet). Additionally I provide
service to: police, animal control or registered rescue group (if this is not an owned dog). I only provide this service if the pet is NOT to be euthanized. All pets deserve a home but sometimes
the street is better than euthanasia. Many strays are in fact owned and just lost. It's better to return to owner then contribute to the overcrowding of shelters, therefore, I do not judge an
owner, if you contacted me, you care enough for your lost pet and deserve to have your pet back.
WHAT TO EXPECT: Nonjudgment! We will discuss my expectations as a pet finder and
your expectations and our requirements. Initial contact is via email/text. I can not talk to everyone. Some recovery efforts are just so simple and I can not be on the phone all day. If it is a
case that I need to "take on"- there is a contract. I may require an initial payment to proceed. Please do not call first - these details are necessary to
advise you properly. You will be sent a questionnaire about your pet's details. text 201-817-9911. There's a systematic approach to developing a
plan. Having these details enables me to formulate a plan. You are very emotional at this time and may misspeak these
details, having clear information is key to recovering your pet..
Your contract will outline my duties, your duties as a pet owner (or public entity if not pet
owner). There may be another payment or a payment agreement is set up. When your pet is recovered (there is great chance of that IF you follow directions)- your job (and the contract) is not
completed until signs are taken down and you have taken steps to keep animal SAFE. You will have a checklist. The remainder of
payment (if applicable) is made at recovery or end of contract (whichever comes first).
You will receive instructions- whether I am being paid (we have a contract) or not. The goal is to reunite a pet,
get the pet off the streets, stop contributing to the homeless population and lack of homes for the offspring, the spread of disease and the ridiculous perpetuation of wild animals killing
household pets. The number one reason why lost pets die is because of humans. Either they don't care, they gave up or they cared too much (chased a lost pet).
Consultation: 100.00
Trapping: price varies depending on distance and cooperation with people and equipment
FAQ for pet recovery:
Are you a pet
detective or private investigator?
I am neither. These are professions that are regulated. To associate either of
these names with what I do would be fraud. I did not go to a police academy or seek credentials as a PI. My credentials are strictly animal related.
I used a scent dog company to search for my dog and he’s not home even
though I was told that my dog was tracked to a location and there’s been no sightings. Can you help me?
Certainly I can. With all due respect, be very careful who you hire (whether
it’s a trapper or scent dog service). If a scent dog service said your pet is nearby- why is your pet not home? Has there been any sightings ? If the answer is “no” (and it’s been a couple of days)
more than likely the scent dog service has not tracked your pet and you have wasted time and money. If a day or so later your pet turns up, it is not because a scent dog “flushed” your pet out.
“Flushing out” an animal pertains to hunting. If anyone thinks of Pet Recovery as hunting, they are doing it wrong. Hunting, search parties, stalking, chasing, calling a pet’s name does not bring a
lost pet home.
The rescue in town is not doing anything for a dog that got loose, can you
It is possible, someone must take ownership of dog. The rescue must contact me, if not (they refuse)
then you should contact police. The rescue must make an effort to get dog back. If the police want to contact me (rescue has abandoned dog), I will take on case, however, the following still applies-
the dog is not to be euthanized and someone must take custody of dog (an agreement should be in place so that rescue does not turn around and claim ownership of dog once caught---YES IT
I am not the owner of the cat/dog, I told owner to
contact a trapper, I guess they haven't, can you trap this pet?
No, only the owner or owner representative may contact me. An owner representative is POA, caretaker of property (if owner is
not present and has hired help). I may ask for ID/proof of ownership, POA, etc.
Do you offer a
All pets are different and all owners along with the public are different. I can not offer a guarantee as those factors are
out of my control. Pets are predictable but no so for humans. If I think there is a low chance of recovering your pet, I may not take the case. If a pet is verified stolen (ie an owner has filed a
police report), I will not take that case as I will not be able to recover a pet that is not lost but stolen.
Shouldn't I just wait a while to see if I can catch my pet, after all this is my
pet, my pet trusts me, doesn't know you?
You can try and see if you will be reunited in a couple of hours . If your pet goes missing, some pets will allow themselves
to be "found" and then the finder just needs to get in touch with you. If the reason your pet went missing was a traumatic event (fire, vehicle accident, fireworks, police raid), the likelihood of
reuniting without the help of pet recovery is slim. Your pet goes into survival mode and the longer your pet is missing, it gets
more difficult. Time is of the essence. While I can still recover a pet on the run for months, a loose pet can possibly be hit by a car, succumb to extreme conditions, die from starvation
or eaten by a predator* (very small dogs or feable cats). *
I can get so close to my pet then he runs away, can you tranquilize
Tranquilizing is for zoo animals or wildlife when all avenues have been exhausted. Tranquilizing can sometimes be fatal.
Sedating a pet is something I will not do unless I am having no success with trapping your pet. It is not something that is regularly done and only in extreme cases. It is only done with a
veterinarians guidance. This is an on site capture and very involved. It requires an incident commander (myself) and all hands on deck.
Do you use a tracking dog or get one if there's no
When there aren't any sightings, it is difficult to catch a pet. A tracking dog needs to be used soon after a disappearance,
not a month or so. Many tracking dogs (ones that are advertised for pet tracking/recovery) are not certified tracking dogs. Be every careful, some are legit, many are not. Even once a tracking
dog finds an obvious lead, a trapper needs to be used and sightings need to happen. A tracking dog does not capture the pet. A tracking dog gives an idea about focus area. I do not work the
same time as a tracking service. If you have used a tracker and still don't have your pet, contact me. If a tracking dog is needed, I will give you names of who to contact, we can then incorporate a
tracking dog into the plan.
Do you work with anyone else?
When it comes to a found pet, yes. In relation to trapping, no. The biggest reason why pets remain at large is "too many cooks
in the kitchen". A pet that is frightened and hiding will not magically appear when there's hordes of people looking for him. The only time when multiple people are used is when a dog refuses to go
in a trap (it's a organized team effort).
Who or what is your magnet/bait dog?
My Rottweiler has caught many dogs. Depending on the situation, your own pet or a friend's dog that your pet absolutely loves
can be used.
Can you post the locations that pet has been seen and trap location, so that people
can check and possibly reset trap in case a raccoon is in it?
This is not in the best interest of anyone. If well intentioned people went to a trap site, the pet may move on as they are
HIDING. When trapping, it is always possible to trap other animals. Wildlife will act aggressively when approached in a trap, more than likely a well intentioned person WILL get injured. This then
involves the health department and visit to emergency room. This will take away from rescuing a pet.
What about luring a pet on my own with bacon or
It's always possible that a pet can be lured without my help and in the beginning there's nothing wrong with it (as long as it
is done correctly). It's not the right thing if you have helpers doing this, it's actually detrimental as too many people may send your pet farther away or your pet has no incentive to stay in one
place to eat. Whenever you use food, other animals will come, that's something you need to be aware of. You will only catch your pet on your own if you remain calm, food will not instantly
transform your pet back to normal and just allow you to "grab him". Additionally, luring with a
litterbox (or clothing, carriers etc) may attract other animals.