Customer Testimonials

Here's what some of our satisfied customers have to say:

Sharon (and her family) take care of our very spoiled Portuguese Water Dog when we go away. The environment is "homey" and RAFI is taken care of like he is at home. I learned about Sharon from my vet. She is caring, responsible, and welcomes the animals like they are her own. RAFI is happy to be "on vacation" at the Dog Haus! - Laurel M 


Dog Haus Pet Sitting not only offered our dog a comfortable, warm home atmosphere, but also the peace of mind we needed to feel worry free while on our vacation. We have left our dog at Dog Haus several times and are completely satisfied. Our dog not only had the benefit of getting to play with other dogs (which she doesn't get a great deal of while at home), but also had the benefit of staying in the home of a veterinary technician. In short, she was in very good hands. Dog Haus is clearly a great choice for any owner who frets over the thought of leaving their pet in a kennel. Top notch care at a very reasonable price.  - Joe B.


I am so thankful to have found Sharon and DogHaus pet sitting! I really can go away without a care in the world knowing my little baby (150lbs) will be safe, comfy (on the couch) and well socialized!! I would NEVER be happy sticking him in a boarding facility where he is caged 22 hours a day! The bonus on top of all this, Sharon is a trained vet tech and can calmly take care of anything regarding my dog. -Cindy S.

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